KidShape Recipe - Pancakes
Jul 01, 2021
Making pancakes is super easy and fun! Plus it’s cheaper and healthier than packaged pancake mix!
Follow the instructions below and check out our bonus tips in the end.
How to Make Pancakes
Mix ground flax seed with water and set aside; let it “gel” together a few minutes.
Combine dry ingredients (flour, baking powder and salt) in large mixing bowl.
In small bowl, combine wet ingredients (milk/milk alternative, oil, syrup, and flax seed/water mix) and stir together.
Then add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir just until combined (don’t overmix). NOTE: if the batter is too runny, add a little more flour; if too thick, add a little more milk/milk alt.
Heat griddle/frying pan and spray with non-fat cooking spray.
Ladle ¼ cup of batter into the pan and let it cook until small bubbles form in the center and/ or edges are cooked. Flip pancake over and cook for another minute or so.
by Rana Parker, MPH, RDN
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